If I'm Being Honest, I'm Pretty Happy I'm Not Super Girl
There are two important things you need to know about me before we move forward in this blog post.
I am in graduate school
I have been watching a lot of superhero shows
Okay, if you’re a loyal reader then the superhero thing isn’t a surprise. I’ve definitely talked about Spider-Man at least once in a previous post. Recently, instead of movies, I have been diving into the DC superhero network shows such as “The Flash” and of course, as the title says, “Super Girl.”
Have you ever dreamed about being a superhero? I think I have.
I don’t have active childhood memories of running around in a cape or anything like that, but I have dreamt of blowing up car tires with my mind (you know, when people cut you off and you want subtle revenge).
I have also recently felt a ton of pressure with my graduate school classes. It’s not an easy task being an English undergraduate pursuing a Masters in Business. It’s a new skill set that I feel privileged to be able to learn, but it doesn’t come without its challenges.
I had a bad night worrying about my classes and the implications of potentially not doing well in them. I laid awake running accounting equations through my head and mentally mapping out my study schedule for the week to come.
The following night I decided to watch “Super Girl.” Of course.
In this particular episode, Super Girl had to fight an alien queen in front of everyone and if she lost, pretty much everyone on Earth would die.
Now that friends, is a test that would be pretty bad to fail. And here I am, stressed about one accounting exam?
I think we all do this. We stress ourselves out because we don’t want to fail. We chew on our lips, tap our fingers and make our heart race because we fear failure so much. Whether it’s within school, work or our personal lives, we all face little tests every day that we want to pass.
While I was watching Super Girl prepare for her battle with the evil alien queen, I thought to myself, “You know, it seems pretty silly to make myself sick over one test when Super Girl has a whole human race to save.”
Of course, the show is fictional, but it was an interesting perspective. How much pressure have you put on yourself today over something so small? It feels like the end of the world in the moment but in truth, we are only human.
We will always have tests. We will sometimes fail. And that’s okay.
That’s crazy for a perfectionist, such as myself, to say (or I guess, type) but it’s the truth. Our problems are not little, and they are absolutely important, but we have to give ourselves more grace. How absolutely boring would life be if we had nothing to push us, challenge us and shape us everyday?
How far would you fly if you weren’t afraid to fall? We will never get our wings if we don’t take the first jump.
Take a leap. Eyes on the sky. The world is yours. What will you do with it?
Don’t fear your tests. Learn from them.
And when you ace those tests, you totally deserve a slice of chocolate cake. Just saying.